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corn for Staff on TTT

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Server: TTT

SteamID: [U:1:0]

Age: 43

Current Server Level: 39

Recommendation(s) from Staff: Cmo


About corn:

hey man how are you doing my name is la also known as usec 5

when i was just a boy when i squatted at least 5 racks, i didnt know what i was doing, but at the same time i was doing so well that my m(o/u)m rewarded me with sometimes up to 4 crayons, my favourite snack.



Reason for Application:

well i play flux ever so often and when i do play it i do really well telling people what they can and cannot do and a lot of people like me so when a lot of people like a moderator they will do what they often say and at that point a lot of people will have more fun with someone they like beacuase a lot of people like me.


Previous Experience:

i was a staff manage ron dark rp and admin on several ttt servers prior id k they're name.


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