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Cuck for Staff on TTT

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Server(s): TTT

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:107192621

Age: 20

Total Hours Played on Flux: 17 days or something

Recommendation(s) from Staff: Wookie


About Cuck:


I'm not really sure what you want to know about me so uh here,

Hobbies include: Gym, Soccer, Baseball, Muay Thai, Jiu Jitsu, Gaming ðŸ˜Ž, Fitness in general really.

Skills: I can do a front flip 50% of the time, I cut meat for a living, Can argue about most topics

The usual story about getting into Garry's Mod I guess, group of friends bought it and the rest is history.



Reason for Application:


After returning from my Hiatus, I've come to realise that I missed the encounters and people of Flux Servers.

Regulation to the server is needed and during my time, I believe I was one of the fairest staff we've had.



Previous Experience (if applicable):


Flux Servers - TTT - Admin

2 Years.






I've returned to claim my title that I grinded for and earned - Cuckmin.

Thank you for listening to my Ted Talk


Edited by Cuck
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