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Your Steam Name: Flux, the Elemental Deity


Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:60317670


Server: Flux Servers TTT #2

Date and Time of Incident: (19/04/2019  4:35 PM)

Offending Player Name: Izin

Offending Player SteamID: STEAM_0:0:39322408

What They Did Wrong: RDM at the very start of the round. No explanation was given when questioned.

Logged Evidence on Reported Player: https://prnt.sc/ne0so7

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As I said on your other report, with cases like this where it's not that serious of an issue I'd recommend @ing the Mods on the discord (@TTT Mod) instead of making a report on the forums. Chances are there's a Mod available to jump on the server and deal with your issues straight away without you having to make a report on the forums.

That being said, it's clear that this person RDM'd you, so I'm sure they'll receive a slay.

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This is a trivial matter, and you can contact @TTT Mod on discord. I have not tested this myself, and don't know if it works.

It's pointless reporting somebody on the forums for one case of rdm.


Mods literally ask for cases to be reported on the forums, what are you on?

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