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RDM + Admin ignoring

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Your Steam Name: St.Clair

Your SteamID: https://steamcommunity.com/id/St_Clair


Name Of Server:  Flux TTT #1

Date & Time of Incident: 28/01/2019 10:00pm

Reported Player's Steam Name:  Sonnman

Reported Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:53920962

What They Did Wrong:  RDM T to hoard drop crate

Logged Evidence on Reported Player: N/A

Video Evidence on Reported Player: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EVHAVhA5Ikc


First video shows RDM and console laughing about it from roughly 0:40-1:50, I am clearly shooting around T buddy to show 'help' and despite this not shooting at T buddy was used as an excuse for RDM on replying to the report.

Taylor8380 was online and second video shows nothing done about the report on next map first 2 rounds

Excuse the video in the background sometimes, didn't realize it was playing, tab in chrome was muted but its picked up in DVR on map change for some reason.

As you can tell, im a bit  :salty:

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1st video: It was only you and him + he had a radar

You are next to your T buddy who is holding an awp+shot it at the Detective, you also walk around the corner try to shoot the Detective but need to reload, pretty traitorous to me


2nd video: I handled the report

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