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George for Staff on TTT

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Server: TTT

SteamID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198096804873/

Age: 37

Current Server Level: 26

Recommendation(s) from Staff:


About George:

hey guys m3 here aka george, i am a high functioning autist who loves to paint and play ttt in my free time. My preferred tool is crayons preferably the ones that smell similar to food. I frequently study the history of allah and his teachings and attend mass whenever I can.  My favourite food is pasta and mince.


Reason for Application:



Previous Experience:

poseidon ttt and voxel ttt. I helped out at a disabled school once and it was pretty similar to everyday flux. 




Additional Comments:

my favourite crayon is the beef one. 

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After much consideratino, I'm going to have to decline this application. We do not believe you are suited to the staff steam due to your rampant racism and bigotry. Feel free to try again in two weeks after you have had time to reflect on this feedback.

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12 minutes ago, corn said:

nice mate, before we take your application any further, whats your favourite flavour/colour of crayons?

please read the additional comments for further information

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