Server(s): TTT
SteamID: https:/
Age: 18
Total Hours Played on Flux: 95
Recommendation(s) from Staff: None
About AutisticBruhMoments:
i originally got into garrys mod several years ago due to youtubers i watched, and have been playing it regularly on ttt servers (mostly this one and poseidon before it died) until about 8-ish months ago when i stoppped gaming altogether for life reason. but i have recently got back into ttt, and have been playing a lot on this server the last 3 days. i am decently skilled with computers and i currently do nothhing in my everday life apart from playing games as i am out of school and dont have a job yet.
I have over ~700 hours on gmod, with nearly 100 hours being in this server.
Reason for Application:
My reason for this application was due to me wanting to help out in this community, making it a friendlier place, and a lot less toxic. i have been playing often have noticed that a large amount of the times ive been on, there haven't been any staff on, and lot more rdm-ing, rude/nasty and rule breaking players around. i want to be able to help out because i do like the majority of the community and enjoy playing with all the cool features this server has.
Previous Experience (if applicable):
I moderated on a friends ttt server for about 7 months before it downed and i have moderated servers on other games such as minecraft and terraria
Comments: I am sorry if this isn't written very well, as i am on the autism spectrum, and communicating about things and writing things up can be hard for me, but i do try my best as much as i can!