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Higashi last won the day on May 20 2023

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  1. Hi Sagger, There isn't a discord account from our server that has been banned. Unless this account was deleted. Please reach out to me if this is a mistake.
  2. Under review, Apologies for the wait.
  3. HI @ Mr Goldie , can you please provide me your discord tag so I can track down your ban. Currently there is no one banned on the discord with the tag Mr Goldie / Goldie / Goldy
  4. Denied. I apologize for the delay in this response. The appeal is disingenuous and you don't seem to genuinely apologetic.
  5. Approved. Considering this was in 2022 (To what I can find), just going to un-sprayban this. Stay funky
  6. Hi Nukem, I'm going to post your appeal in the punisher chat and get back to you on an ungag/resolution.
  7. Considering you have been unbanned at this point in time... /resolved
  8. Certain ex staff that can be trusted enough for the role have that on the server. The veteran tag primarily exists for ex-admins and those who made a huge impact within the server/community. The rank of veteran currently does not exist on the TTT server as I myself don't see the need for it currently. This is not to say it wont exist in the future. Veteran is a step up from trusted, considering you've been community banned on several occasions, I wouldn't deem you with any rank/title besides 'Donator' or 'Dumbass'. Respect the hussle though.
  9. Hey Tukae, we've updated our banning policy to include doxxing as a community ban, bar from one or two platforms (e.g. the forums). So I just wanted to answer your quondry as to why you were previously allowed to play on the TTT, yet be banned on the discord. As for your appeal, I find your wording very disingenuous and backhanded, my advice to you is that it would be better for you to reword this appeal, heavily.
  10. Definitely a possibility, whether or not they be unique skins or just addon to current one is up to @ Menace
  11. I'd advise getting more known and playing more.
  12. https://forums.fluxservers.net/forms/4-appeal-a-ban/ Please make sure to include all necersarry information, as I'm sure you're probably not going to.
  13. Aside from the punisher teams lack of response, the sentence has already been served. /locked
  14. Added New Maps bhop_2flocci2furious bhop_3_easy bhop_sonicgaming_elite bhop_absolutebhop bhop_addict bhop_addict_v2 bhop_adventure_v2 bhop_bunnyhop_pro bhop_caves_original_strafe bhop_cutiekittenz bhop_cw_journey bhop_happy_killa bhop_not_so_easy bhop_omniouskittenz bhop_slope_v2 Special thanks to @ Lush for help in zoning and choosing these maps.
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