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Vendetta01's TTT Appeal

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Server: TTT

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:105110254

Reason for ban: not a ban, but perm gag

Issuing staff member:

Ban length: Permanent



Hello all flux staff, recently I was perm gagged. I bought a new mic and have since adjusted the volume on it. I was gagged due to the mic being shit. I believe this is unfair  due to most good mics being pretty terrible. I caught the admin in a bad mood and he instantly perm gagged me within minutes of him getting on. If I could be untagged I would appreciate it. Cheers, your fellow wookie, Vendetta.

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6 minutes ago, Vendetta01 said:

I bought a new mic and have since adjusted the volume on it

you used this excuse multiple times 

7 minutes ago, Vendetta01 said:

I believe this is unfair  due to most good mics being pretty terrible

this really is not true since the gmod update that fixed this issue


You where permagagged due to how often you would make loud and annoying sounds through your mic such as blowing, yelling, playing music and pushing your mic as close to your mouth. you had many warnings and kicks and clearly had not learnt your lesson, it was either permagag or ban you, i chose to permagag knowing that if i only banned you then you would just come back and continue this behaviour. 


13 minutes ago, Vendetta01 said:

I caught the admin in a bad mood and he instantly perm gagged me within minutes of him getting on.

claiming i was "in a bad mood" is false, i joined the server and after about a round the main thing i was hearing was you pressing you mic to your mouth halfway through a sentence.


If you had maybe owned up to your actions and apologised then I might have been willing to remove the permagag but you only wanted to make false excuses and blame me.




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