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Fika for Staff on TTT

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Server(s): TTT


SteamID: STEAM_0:0:186873699


Age: 19


Total Hours Played on Flux: 65 hours


Recommendation(s) from Staff:



About Fika:

I'm 19 year old and have been playing Garry's Mod since 2012-2013 (Introduced to the game by Seananners). I have a history with leadership roles within both real life and Garry's Mod servers, being moderator and admin on at least two different TTT servers and staff on several other game modes. I have also been store manager, and assistant manager of multiple jobs which has provided me with some skills that could carry over into a position of staff. I'm currently 'unemployed' doing freelance graphic design, video editing and binge watching netflix shows with my two best friends, Ben and Jerry. So I have a lot of time that I can dedicate towards Flux TTT (and future Flux Servers)... I will be starting a course at the start of 2021 so I have a while before anything will majorly impact my playtime. 

I do tend to mess around a little bit on low player counts with people that I know a generally A-okay with a little bit of shenanigans but I do not have any prior history to breaking rules on Flux TTT (evident by not receiving any warnings, slays, bans from staff) I have received a karma ban but that was due to lack of staff on the server at the time and getting T baited and Attempted RDM almost every round. 

I have also made a timetable of the hours that I am able to come on the server in AEST.

Monday - Friday: 9am - 2am

Saturday: 11am - 9pm

Sunday: 9am - 12am


Reason for Application:

I instantly noticed a lack of staff during majority of my playtime since I started playing on the server, and feel as though while I'm not perfect I can do a big part in significantly reducing the amount of time there are no staff present on the server. Which will improve the experience for regular and new players without them having to worry about cheaters (that were on 2 nights ago), RDM reports going unnoticed, bullying and harassment, mic-spammers... 

As you can see from my game tracker statistics (gametracker is not 100% accurate) my average playtime is around 4-6 hours per day. https://www.gametracker.com/player/Fika Flux/ 


Previous Experience (if applicable):

Fallen Angels TTT - Admin (2015-2016

SchoolRP - Moderator (2016-2017

EG TTT - Moderator (2018-2019

SC TTT - Moderator (2019)



I do not use a microphone. (I only ticked box because it would not let me continue otherwise).


Edited by Fika
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1 hour ago, Nymodia said:

Does that not indicate that a mic is required to apply? I feel like that would be obvious.

I conversed with an Admin about the situation before applying and they gave me the okay. Just to clear any confusion.

Edited by Fika
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12 hours ago, Nymodia said:

Are you sure you meant 9am - 2am? Looks like a typo

I could have probably written it better, but I'm normally awake between 9am on monday to 2am on tuesday and then wake up around 9am on tuesday (repeat till friday). 

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