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marci's TTT Appeal


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Server: TTT

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:151576465

Reason for ban: Sharing Personal Information | Updated to Community Ban

Issuing staff member:

Ban length: Perm




It's been a while since I've been involved in the community or server at any capacity and I know that a few of you most likely want it to stay that way but just hear me out for a minute.
I'm community banned due to what I did and it is a more than fair as a punishment for my actions. It was immature of me and very childish. I've taken some time since I have been gone to focus more on myself and how to be less of a toxic person and more of a better person. There's people on the staff team that still don't like me to this day and it's more than fair as to the reason why. I was an asshole to a lot of you for no reason except "I thought it was funny" at the time, I have revealed personal information of multiple staff and for that I am sincerely sorry. I've realised that the person I am online vs the person I am IRL shouldn't be any different as to the way I conduct myself and I have been doing better.
I even took it one step further after I was banned to make a nuisance on the forums which I also am sorry for, it was yet again, immature and childish. 

It is likely that many of you (staff) are going to believe that this appeal is another attempt at just trying to be unbanned but I really do want to prove to you that I'm not who I was anymore. I would be more than happy to sit in a call individually with each and every staff member and talk about everything.

Now, due to the history of my actions, the odds of me being unbanned are very unlikely I know. But I want to try something like probation, other players have been put on probation in the past, some have failed, some passed. I can say with the upmost certainty that I would pass with 0 room for failing. I have 0 interest in breaking any of the rules, I just want to become a member of the community again and do the right thing.

I'm sorry if I have missed something that I should have addressed and if anyone has any questions I will do my best to answer.

I really do hope this appeal is considered, especially the idea of probation, I'd even go a step further and say that you can put me on probation permanently just to show how serious I really am.

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i didn't even know you were banned until you made this appeal, so i'm completely out of the loop for the things that got you banned but this appeal does seem very genuine and you have been banned for some time now. having seen and learned what i have (including a very suspicious cheating clip), i'm leaning towards recommending a probationary period for an unban. but my question is what can you say or do to prove that you have changed, and that you are serious about having made a change, considering the overall attitude of the community tends to be quite chaotic.

i remember playing with you quite a bit last time i was staff on the server like 2 years ago, you were fun to play with and i like to think we got along, so personally i don't think you're too bad. because you haven't been downright malicious, more like just a bit of a minge, so if you genuinely have made a change i'd like to see you allowed back with a conditional unban.

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20 hours ago, onlyinred said:

 having seen and learned what i have (including a very suspicious cheating clip)

Need to address this cheating clip as if it is the one with my purple l85 then I should explain it.
During playing one day I wanted to create a clip that appeared to be me 'cheating'. Now if you look at the clip i'm obv not cheating, im jittering the mouse around and headshotting people (i had good aim back then). plus, it was end of round in the clip so i can see people names through walls hence why i was jittering on them. The clip was clipped from my perspective and that file "nicksusidk" is mine, i have it on my computer, i edited it down, I sent it around with the intention of having a 'sus' clip. In hindsight, kinda bit me on the ass to that now but I can't change the past. I've never cheated on the server, not once. 

Edit: this is skittles right? i swear im thinking of the right person.

Edited by marci
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honestly that is a very reasonable response and explanation, and since you weren't banned for cheating, i'm not too concerned about it, so as you've never given me a reason to think you're cheating previously, i'll give you benefit of the doubt.

and yes, it is me, the late, great, skittles

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5 hours ago, onlyinred said:

honestly that is a very reasonable response and explanation, and since you weren't banned for cheating, i'm not too concerned about it, so as you've never given me a reason to think you're cheating previously, i'll give you benefit of the doubt.

and yes, it is me, the late, great, skittles


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