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Brock in the Hamptons for Staff on TTT

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Server: TTT

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:95960517

Age: 18

Current Server Level: 41

Recommendation(s) from Staff: lux


About Brock in the Hamptons:

Hello all you beautiful men and women, my name is Flynn but you'd all know me as Brock in the Hamptons among a few other usernames. I enjoy playing GMod and spent most of my time on the old Poseidon Servers where you would know me as Zero. My other main interest outside of gaming though is basketball, mostly watching it nowadays though because I'm a cripple, a fan of the perennial losers the 'Sacramento Kings'. Also I do uni as well.


Reason for Application:

I play this server a lot and sometimes I can see that maybe there are a few too many rascally scallywags for a lone staff or trusted to take care of and my gentle words of wisdom aren't enough to convince them off the path to a Mass RDM, so I'd like to try and help out if it's needed when some of the other fellas are busy with keeping a healthy life balance 🙂


Previous Experience:

I was previously an admin on Poseidon's jailbreak server and a moderator on DarkRP and Star Wars RP, and I'd say I wasn't too bad at any of those things.


Additional Comments:

thanks for reading my fellow gamers :)))

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