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Sleepy for Staff on TTT

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Server: TTT

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:436297993

Age: 15

Current Server Level: 19

Recommendation(s) from Staff:


About Sleepy:

From Melbourne, I play basically everyday and stay on for a good amount of time, usually 2-3 hours. I'm friendly in the servers and if I get any staff role I will definitely be on the lookout for any bad behavior. Thanks for giving me the opportunity for trying out.


Reason for Application:

I am Jack, I'm 15 from Australia/Melbourne, at the moment in in Queensland but will be back to Melbourne on the 18th, my skills are boxing, running, swimming and fishing. Originally my brother told me about garrys mod, the first 2ish years I had it, I never played but now I love it. When I'm not on the server I'm usually sleeping or reading.


Previous Experience:

Because I love the ttt server and I'm hoping I can get a higher up position so I can make a difference


Additional Comments:

I modded on a minecraft server and it was really fun, but then the server I was on just disconnected, it was a fairly populated server but all the connections towards it just vanished.

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Neutral closer to +1.

Ever since I've come back you have been a very common player I have seen, to the point where 80% of my won coinflips are against you.

However, I would like more moderators with microphones so they seem more interactive.

Overall I do think you'd be a great addition but seeing your age, it would be correct of me to assume that you have school and it is important to keep that study up. Take it from me, I played games every night and it showed, it was only until last year (when I was in year 12) where I really got my finger out and buckled down and I felt like I went well.


You don't wanna get mod to never use it.

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