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Everything posted by Sharky

  1. Sharky

    New Intro

    Thats a shame rip
  2. Sharky

    New Intro

    Hey Name is sharky - Also known as Spanish Weirdo or Known as retard - Im a past staff member of another community not gonna advertise and Im an Australian New Zealand Import from South America since my parents decided to move here rip. and Its good to be back. Im probably someone that no one has seen or heard about ,but Hopefully with some time Ill get to know you all ( Strive On )
  3. easy Denied - Flux dont take DDos or hacking with ease
  4. Sharky


    Why unlike ??? Simple if you dont like dont like - either that or dont like a post at all
  5. 1+ Played with a few times and doesnt cause any issues. Ive seen the leadership that this player shows and I can confirm that she wont be mistaken for staff
  6. I feel like your leaving out details on your Ban - Like Were you an innocent and killing all the T fast or were you the T killing all the Innocents. This right here is your time in the last 30 Days This is your score in the last 30 days your Time played in this server is around 0.95 So your new to this server, And new to TTT as Your name isnt known in any other server. So that leaves me to say How does someone like you get a high score......
  7. 1 + Easy With the time Ive been on shes been helpful
  8. So Im kinda new to this whole server in general and Im mostly on TTT Main server. And Im in need of some clarification The bans Im wondering is there a place where I can search for certain bans on the servers, Like a Global Ban. The staff Ranking For TTT , who are the higher ups and lower staff members. Reasons for this Im getting confused with the different ranks If I can get help with this that would mean a lot
  9. Your Steam Name: [Red]Sharky Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:4457298 Name Of Server: flux server TTT Date & Time of Incident: (25/04/2019 11:00 AM/PM) Reported Player's Steam Name: Popcorn Guy Reported Player's SteamID:https://steamcommunity.com/id/texashammer / steam ID didnt show What They Did Wrong: Mass RDM Logged Evidence on Reported Player: (If applicable) https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198430499755/screenshot/826883954575386679 https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198430499755/screenshots/#scrollTop=0 https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198430499755/screenshots/ Note: He also killed his Tea Buddy which the proof is here https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198430499755/screenshots/ Edit I dont know if u guys have a Steam Finder - If so the profile I manage to get is him
  10. Understandable Im new to this TTT thing so Karma for me was like a Perma ban for me
  11. Steam Name: [Red]Sharky Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:4457298 Reason for Ban: Low Karma Staff Member Who Banned You: Not to sure Ban Length: 1 hour maybe Your Appeal: (Why should your ban be removed?) - I was RDM which was stupid so I want to face the ban and will learn from this for sure. Ive never been banned before so this is a new thing for me. Im a staff On Dinkleberg server and I want to play on others like yours to spread my wings. Understandable If I dont get Unbanned straight away. Just want a time frame so I learn
  12. Sharky


    Hi all glad to have met a awesome server - Kinda got bored from PH and DR so hope to see u all once I get Unbanned and get use to TTT. I do apologies for the kills that have happened so Ill take the ban and Hope to get myself use to this so I can be a pro TTT player. as was told from other players RDM is good because u will kill a traitor, by a player named Richard. idk I should have listen to the rules so Ill be mature on this and will see u all.
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