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Mummy Flux's Staff Application for TTT

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Steam name: Currently Mummy Flux


Steam id: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198091102587/


Age: 15


Why do you want to become staff? not more staff but mod just to help on the reports and shit because i know that there is alot of reports that happen


Do you have a mic and how often do you use it? i do have a mic and when ever it works


How many hours do you have on our server? 3 days 20 hrs and 48 mins +


Have you been a staff member on any gmod servers? no because i have just been on Flux TTT


These are things that will most likely occur on our server please tell us how you would handle these situations; 


What would you do if you see someone RDM or Mass RDM then leave? either consult a higher staff or give 3 or more bans


What would you do if someone starts abusing another player? depending on what was possible gagg or autoslay


What would you do if someone is mic spamming? gagg them and tell them to stop


What would you do if you catch someone hacking or scripting? talk to Menace or Taylor and slay with a Warning


What would you do if you catch someone metagaming/ghosting? Slay and Give a warning

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