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Hustler False Autoslaying

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I can confirm, Hustler didn't own up to it, I KOSed someone as a Traitor, he knew this, and proceeded to auto-slay. Admiral Fat Nips then accidentally killed another Traitor, and he got 2 auto-slays, which is fair BUTTTT TheHustler should remove 1.


TheHustler is a good staff, but he should at least remove 1 auto-slay due to the earlier incixdent.

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There are guidelines as to what punishments are given out. If you RDM a Traitor, which he did, you normally receive 2 auto-slays. He was not slain for the other incident where there was a KOS called, this punishment was for the one report only. I stated this in game, but you were misunderstanding what I was saying.

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