Server: TTT
SteamID: Gronk Hunter
Age: 21
Current Server Level: 30
Recommendation(s) from Staff: Mr Pickles
About LopSopDoy:
I am Gronk Hunter. I am extremely well known and popular on the server. I have 3 PhDs and in my spare time I enjoy reading philosophy books because my brain is so fucking big. I have over 2500 hours on Garrys Mod because it is an extremely intellectual game and stimulates me mentally. I am very active on the discord also.
Reason for Application:
I think adding me to the staff team would be very beneficial as I know all the rules and I am ready to bring down justice upon those who break them, especially the other corrupt moderators. I often play at times where there are staff online however they do nothing with reports because they are too busy RDMing and circlejerking in the Innocent Motel traitor room.
Previous Experience:
I used to admin on both Pooseidon and Voxel ttt and now I am looking to complete the trinity.
Additional Comments:
Please vote for me.