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About {FH}zMan

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  1. funny how you dont get slain when you rdm me tough aye cardigan... even when other admins are on my report does not get looked at because your the one i reported.
  2. i do not record every game i play so i dont have visible proof just my own word and the word of the others who were in game at the time. 15-20 people cant be all wrong man.
  3. ok so i guess nothing is going to be done about the abuse.. personally if i was the owner i would not want mods abusing power because they can. and being an admin on a different game when we have recruits or mods likely to trial mod on here they are watched to see how they conduct themselves in server and how they use the commands.. and according to the rules alucard did nothing to deserve a slay by killing cardigan when someone else kosd cardigan and alucard killed him. so by cardigan slaying him is abusing his powers and that is what the problem here is. I'm sure you can understand that being the owner menace considering you are the overlord and should know the rules back to front. i have nothing against cardigan as a person dude but that is blatant abuse of power. if he were in my server as one of my trial mods he would be removed as a mod. because that just seems like he is doing it on a personal level or because of some form of grudge against alucard. like i said in the previous post everyone and i mean literally everyone in the server agreed cardigan was in the wrong. Kahoot for trial mod!
  4. to be honest he did abuse his power last map slaying alucard 3 times for random kos and random damage when cardigan was only inno not a t or a d, and when alucard did not kos him at all he just relayed the kos and acted upon it. i would consider that to be abusing power. and as for the gagging.. i have heard other people say stuff way worse than alucard has on your server and they were not gagged at all. seems a bit unfair and abusive to me dude.. plus everyone else in the server agreed that cardigan was abusing alucard just fyi.
  5. +1 for kahoot! he would make a good and fair mod or admin in my honest opinion, and who doesnt like that low sexy voice of his :D
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