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  • Birthday October 15

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  1. Server: TTT SteamID: STEAM_0:1:591669195 Reason for ban: Cheating Issuing staff member: Richard Thick Ban length: Permanent Appeal: I was banned for cheating and that I was falesly accused of cheating. Im using cl_interp 5 which makes the server refresh rate slower than me in which the spectator would see me shooting a target that isnt there when it was on my screen. I used it to reduce packet loss because I have a bad internet router and 100 ping as I'm currently living in Singapore and it may casue people to think that Im cheating as on their screen I was shooting a target that had already moved. Here is evience of using cl_interp and the spectator view: Evidence The screen on the left is the spectator's view and right is the player view https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1061934282244890655/1061937677601099806/2023-01-09_17-12-50_Trim.mp4 I really love this server and spent more than 100 hours on the server when I have only 120+ hours on gmod, there is no point for me to spend that much time on the server if I am going to cheat. Thanks for reading and I hope this could be resolved soon
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