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Handlimp last won the day on November 22 2022

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  1. Server: TTT SteamID: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Handlimp/ Reason for ban: getting up to silly buggers Issuing staff member: Menace Ban length: permanently Appeal: Please allow me to apologize for again for my previous behavior in my second appeal. I know that I had to wait 6 months on my next appeal but I thought for Christmas coming around the corner there would be a jolly spirit arising in you to show me leniency on my unban. I do recognize my behavior was extremely inappropriate, immature, and lacked the respect for the admins and fellow players of the flux community. It was a disruption and distracted others from enjoying playing and doing their job as administrating the server. But I learned that nobody appreciated my poor behavior. In the future, I have every intention of curbing my thoughtless actions and learn to adjust my behavior befitting the environment and situation. Again, I am sorry for my actions and I hope that we can put this matter behind us. I look forward to playing and making new friends in the flux community hopefully soon. I would really much appreciate an honest reply on this early appeal.
  2. Server: TTT SteamID: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Handlimp/ Reason for ban: mic spam and minging Issuing staff member: Menace Ban length: perm Appeal: Please. In the time of my absence, I believe that I have matured enough to be let back into FluxTTT. As I have made fond memories from coming on and messing around with the boys, I would much appreciate that if my ban was lifted and I could enjoy making many more fond memories to come. I understand and recognize my past behaviors, as to what the repercussions have lead to. I would even like to go on a strict behavioral trial if it was to come to that.
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