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Everything posted by Josh1

  1. Do u have a discord i cans end this stuff to?
  2. https://youtu.be/Tt3mBcUDHYk https://youtu.be/fnAKSuZljjk
  3. The only clip i got of aim anyway, i got a bhop one aswell https://youtu.be/XbWH37d5A88
  4. Server: TTT SteamID: 76561198208068268 Reason for ban: Cheating Issuing staff member: HFOC Ban length: Perm Appeal: I would like to be either reduced or revoked as i was playing legit. idrk how to prove it, but i have over 13k hrs on gmod, 3k hrs on csgo (alt) and 2k hrs on Rust. I was playing as a "T". When i had a deagle and was headshotting people
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