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Flux | TheBlkBird

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Everything posted by Flux | TheBlkBird

  1. +1 Yeah pretty decent cunt when he plays, and who doesn't have a bans. I've still got another 10 weeks on my acadia ban (1 Year btw)
  2. Name: Flux | Chicken_Junior Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:70657658 Reason for being banned: Not a fucking clue Staff Member who banned you: Doesn't say Ban Length: Perma Your Appeal: I haven't even played in nearly over a week, why the fuck was i perma'd. Menace daddy please look into this i'm very confused. <3
  3. Whom are these individuals that the you who goes under the internet alias "milk" speaks of? For one cannot make a legitimate statement in an argument or debate without backing it up with facts and evidence. And while I am writing this intellectual information inquiry on this forum for the server known as "Flux", in response to your comment on an article I shall continue to point out the errors in your response to the article. One should not be judged by the people of whom they associate with. But let them be judged, for the character of the heart, mind, soul and in some cases, pardon my explicitness "genitalia". To summarize I believe that for the statement in which I am responding to should be backed up by proper facts. In order to be considered somewhat legitimate and in any form and sense "noteworthy". The individual who goes under the internet alias "milk" should back up their statements with proper facts before any judgement based on these claims is to be made. Sincerely Yours, And for the community of Flux! "DankDream101", Also known as his other internet alias-'s "beercandan" and "SadBoysRUs" If I have to provide proof of what I have seen and heard, then other people should provide proof for their "+1's" It swings both ways. Ask them and they will, because if I've learnt anything from Kahoot and Chibi is that they don't lie. But I lie? You trust the people that +1 but when I -1 about someone who appears fit for the job to some and others not so much, my opinion is invalidated because you say so? Because I don't have receipts on when you or others have done bad stuff? That's not how things work. I never said you were lying, the peoples names I listed in my first reply were as a joke because they are known for their bad choices and not their positive ones; that's why I listed them. And I know I don't have a clear history, in fact is a pretty rugged history but people may have already changed from their own personal experiences or they can change from gaining a position of responsibilty And also your snappy reply saying that I trust the +1's opinions instead of your -1 is false, because I do trust what you say about my friends but I do not agree with me being biased for them when it comes to punishments as I am always fair. But I didn't trust all my 1+'s as when I saw that Kahoot made a reply I asked him why personally over Steam Chat as to why he gave me a +1 as I didn't know the him or his name, but over the short period of time that we had played together he must have seen the person that I am and saw that I may be fit to moderate. If you think you're such a good staff then why condone someone replying to my personal opinion saying I need to provide proof and even continue this instead of shutting it down and making a disruption on your own application. Also, you're obviously not trying to change overly as much considering you rdm'd me just today. A moderator shouldn't fight someone, but be above disputes and cast judgement when it's needed. Neko showed that well when someone was verbally abusing her and she didn't reply and kept her cool. I never said that I was good staff, and if I were to become staff you'd see if I was or if I wasn't cut out to be a good staff member but for that to occur I need to be given the chance to prove that, also I never said you had to provide proof, I said if you wanted proof ask them because people don't tend to accidentally put a +1 on someones application or do it without cause as most people have a reason for doing so. Also your personal opinion about me is no different to the personal opinion SadBoys'R'Us had about you needing to provide proof. Everyone gets rdm'ed every now and then, and I recall asking "Hey am I able to kill milk?" and I got the reply of the room being "Yes" and I even got a "Yeah she's going a bit crazy". And even though you didn't report me I slayed my self the round after because you didn't report. I left my "I guess is should kill myself spray" and hit my kill bind. Also Neko Kat is a great role model for anyone on the server as I have seen her in action not just on Flux as a Mod but also on Acadia as an Admin. If I were able to take one thing away from Neko's Moderating/Admining would be her ability to keep her cool, as I know I can be easily set of just as anyone else can. Also since this is being said over text there is definitely some communication issues occurring. 1.I didn't report because there were no staff, no point. 2.You liked SadBoys'R'Us's post saying I should provide proof. 3.His wasn't an opinion it was an attack at mine, his opinion should have been below it saying people should provide proof(on all applications) if someone is -1(and in my opinion +1ing aswell) 4.You shouldn't rdm me just becasue someone said "she's getting a bit crazy" just because I am rowdy, even though I had said nothing except "Look at this visualisation Darth Vader he's like "raarrr" and so on. You knew what you were doing and that what you were doing was rdm. 5. If you say you're shit at staff should you really be a staff member when according to you, you have been staff before on 2 servers "Xtria" and "Poseidon". 6. Once you become trial moderator it's up to the owners/staff themselves to see how you're doing. As well as here, really my opinion on the forums may not even be appreciated and might be swept under the rug. 1. I still punished myself 2. I liked it, means I like it because he took the effort to write that on his own accord 3. Maybe so, but it was still his opinion 4. No I shouldn't, and in that scenario I didn't act as a moderator should, but I still took responsibilities for my actions 5. "If you think you're such a good staff" you said this, I defended myself saying "I never said that I was good staff" that doesn't mean I'm not, and in my opinion I think I should be staff so I could fill those gaps when the admins/mods aren't online so something can be done with those who are mic spamming, rdm'ing or being minges. 6. If I am to become staff I hope they act accordingly, and maybe you opinion may be swept under the rug or maybe they will take notice of it. You never know. And as you said before I should be more like Neko and stop replying and shut the situation down. So I'm done with this discussion/argument we're having.
  4. Whom are these individuals that the you who goes under the internet alias "milk" speaks of? For one cannot make a legitimate statement in an argument or debate without backing it up with facts and evidence. And while I am writing this intellectual information inquiry on this forum for the server known as "Flux", in response to your comment on an article I shall continue to point out the errors in your response to the article. One should not be judged by the people of whom they associate with. But let them be judged, for the character of the heart, mind, soul and in some cases, pardon my explicitness "genitalia". To summarize I believe that for the statement in which I am responding to should be backed up by proper facts. In order to be considered somewhat legitimate and in any form and sense "noteworthy". The individual who goes under the internet alias "milk" should back up their statements with proper facts before any judgement based on these claims is to be made. Sincerely Yours, And for the community of Flux! "DankDream101", Also known as his other internet alias-'s "beercandan" and "SadBoysRUs" If I have to provide proof of what I have seen and heard, then other people should provide proof for their "+1's" It swings both ways. Ask them and they will, because if I've learnt anything from Kahoot and Chibi is that they don't lie. But I lie? You trust the people that +1 but when I -1 about someone who appears fit for the job to some and others not so much, my opinion is invalidated because you say so? Because I don't have receipts on when you or others have done bad stuff? That's not how things work. I never said you were lying, the peoples names I listed in my first reply were as a joke because they are known for their bad choices and not their positive ones; that's why I listed them. And I know I don't have a clear history, in fact is a pretty rugged history but people may have already changed from their own personal experiences or they can change from gaining a position of responsibilty And also your snappy reply saying that I trust the +1's opinions instead of your -1 is false, because I do trust what you say about my friends but I do not agree with me being biased for them when it comes to punishments as I am always fair. But I didn't trust all my 1+'s as when I saw that Kahoot made a reply I asked him why personally over Steam Chat as to why he gave me a +1 as I didn't know the him or his name, but over the short period of time that we had played together he must have seen the person that I am and saw that I may be fit to moderate. If you think you're such a good staff then why condone someone replying to my personal opinion saying I need to provide proof and even continue this instead of shutting it down and making a disruption on your own application. Also, you're obviously not trying to change overly as much considering you rdm'd me just today. A moderator shouldn't fight someone, but be above disputes and cast judgement when it's needed. Neko showed that well when someone was verbally abusing her and she didn't reply and kept her cool. I never said that I was good staff, and if I were to become staff you'd see if I was or if I wasn't cut out to be a good staff member but for that to occur I need to be given the chance to prove that, also I never said you had to provide proof, I said if you wanted proof ask them because people don't tend to accidentally put a +1 on someones application or do it without cause as most people have a reason for doing so. Also your personal opinion about me is no different to the personal opinion SadBoys'R'Us had about you needing to provide proof. Everyone gets rdm'ed every now and then, and I recall asking "Hey am I able to kill milk?" and I got the reply of the room being "Yes" and I even got a "Yeah she's going a bit crazy". And even though you didn't report me I slayed my self the round after because you didn't report. I left my "I guess is should kill myself spray" and hit my kill bind. Also Neko Kat is a great role model for anyone on the server as I have seen her in action not just on Flux as a Mod but also on Acadia as an Admin. If I were able to take one thing away from Neko's Moderating/Admining would be her ability to keep her cool, as I know I can be easily set of just as anyone else can. Also since this is being said over text there is definitely some communication issues occurring.
  5. Whom are these individuals that the you who goes under the internet alias "milk" speaks of? For one cannot make a legitimate statement in an argument or debate without backing it up with facts and evidence. And while I am writing this intellectual information inquiry on this forum for the server known as "Flux", in response to your comment on an article I shall continue to point out the errors in your response to the article. One should not be judged by the people of whom they associate with. But let them be judged, for the character of the heart, mind, soul and in some cases, pardon my explicitness "genitalia". To summarize I believe that for the statement in which I am responding to should be backed up by proper facts. In order to be considered somewhat legitimate and in any form and sense "noteworthy". The individual who goes under the internet alias "milk" should back up their statements with proper facts before any judgement based on these claims is to be made. Sincerely Yours, And for the community of Flux! "DankDream101", Also known as his other internet alias-'s "beercandan" and "SadBoysRUs" If I have to provide proof of what I have seen and heard, then other people should provide proof for their "+1's" It swings both ways. Ask them and they will, because if I've learnt anything from Kahoot and Chibi is that they don't lie. But I lie? You trust the people that +1 but when I -1 about someone who appears fit for the job to some and others not so much, my opinion is invalidated because you say so? Because I don't have receipts on when you or others have done bad stuff? That's not how things work. I never said you were lying, the peoples names I listed in my first reply were as a joke because they are known for their bad choices and not their positive ones; that's why I listed them. And I know I don't have a clear history, in fact is a pretty rugged history but people may have already changed from their own personal experiences or they can change from gaining a position of responsibilty And also your snappy reply saying that I trust the +1's opinions instead of your -1 is false, because I do trust what you say about my friends but I do not agree with me being biased for them when it comes to punishments as I am always fair. But I didn't trust all my 1+'s as when I saw that Kahoot made a reply I asked him why personally over Steam Chat as to why he gave me a +1 as I didn't know the him or his name, but over the short period of time that we had played together he must have seen the person that I am and saw that I may be fit to moderate.
  6. Whom are these individuals that the you who goes under the internet alias "milk" speaks of? For one cannot make a legitimate statement in an argument or debate without backing it up with facts and evidence. And while I am writing this intellectual information inquiry on this forum for the server known as "Flux", in response to your comment on an article I shall continue to point out the errors in your response to the article. One should not be judged by the people of whom they associate with. But let them be judged, for the character of the heart, mind, soul and in some cases, pardon my explicitness "genitalia". To summarize I believe that for the statement in which I am responding to should be backed up by proper facts. In order to be considered somewhat legitimate and in any form and sense "noteworthy". The individual who goes under the internet alias "milk" should back up their statements with proper facts before any judgement based on these claims is to be made. Sincerely Yours, And for the community of Flux! "DankDream101", Also known as his other internet alias-'s "beercandan" and "SadBoysRUs" If I have to provide proof of what I have seen and heard, then other people should provide proof for their "+1's" It swings both ways. Ask them and they will, because if I've learnt anything from Kahoot and Chibi is that they don't lie.
  7. +1 May not have the hours but would be a good edition. Also from my time playing with him he is a quick and clever thinker and he rarely if ever diverges from the truth.
  8. How dare you call Brook, Robjin ,Rock Goblin, Super Saiyan Grumpy Cat and Pink Floyd minges they are upstanding citizens of this server. Also secondly, i'm never bias when it comes to rules. Previously on another server I moderated I was removed as mod because I slayed the owner for rdm.
  9. Steam Name: || Chicken_Junior || Flux || Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:70657658 Age: 18 Why do you want to become staff? As a frequent player who loves to play on this server more than any other server *cough Acardia cough* the fact that nearly 40% of the time staff are not online or are playing other games it creates an opportunity that other seem to enjoy as it leaves them open to rdm or minge and the only thing that can stop them from rdm’ing is the Karma system; and having people like this online is the thing which ruins the Flux TTT experience. If I were to become a staff member on this server I believe that I would be able to fill those gaps in the hours where staff are not present and in the end hopefully be able to better the Flux TTT experience, When specific issues arise that require a staff member to take time out to enforce correct and fair punishments based on the server requirements I’ll be able fill this role. Do you have a mic and how often do you use it? Yes, I use it all the time even when people wished that I wouldn’t How many hours do you have on our server? 10D 1H 0M Have you been a staff member on any other Gmod servers? Yes, I’ve moderated/admin on Xtria and I moderated for a bit on Poseidon These are things that will most likely occur on our server please tell us how you would handle these situations; What would you do if you see someone RDM or Mass RDM then leave? On other servers it would be 2 slays for RDM+Leave, for MRDM+Leave it would be a 5-day ban What would you do if someone starts abusing another player? Warn them but if they persist to harass/insult the person gag or mute them if it seems fitting for their punishment. What would you do if someone is mic spamming? Warn them once again if they continue gag them for a suited amount of time. What would you do if you catch someone hacking or scripting? On previous servers I had moderated it was a permanent ban but were still open to receive a ban appeal if they believe they weren’t. What would you do if you catch someone meta-gaming/ghosting? On previous servers you warn them and if they were to continue after the warning it became a 1 week ban, If they return from this ban and continue it extends to a 1 month ban with no appeal. Extra little bonuses of having me as admin would be that: -You'd nearly always have a staff on in-between the hours of 9pm-4am, -I'm always happy to do any reports -I have a history of Admining/Moderating -I'm a people’s person and very lovable -I'm friends with a lot of the community on the server -I'm very understanding when it comes to new players or those who simply refuse to learn -Instead of me leading uprisings against the server I’ll be able to stop them Reason for why I haven't been active as of late: -I lost my steam guard code and was locked out of my account for 3 weeks because I went swimming with my phone but now that I've sorted that out i'll be online a lot more now.
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